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Network Operations Center

The Network Operations Center of Harokopio University began its operation in 1997 and has been tasked with the development, the uninterrupted operation and management of the University's data and voice network, in order to ensure high quality services for all University members.

Its operation includes:

  • Installing, operating and upgrading network services as well as integrating new ones.
  • Designing of optimal topology and equipment configuration.
  • Monitoring network operation and resource management.
  • Installing new network connections and changing the features of the already active ones.
  • Drafting technical specifications for network extensions and upgrades.
  • Management of active equipment.
  • Managing user accounts.
  • Information, training and technical support for users.
  • Developing new advanced services.
  • Participating in research projects and programs.
  • Collaborating and communicating with corresponding services of other networks.

The Network Operations Center also provides advice and support to other IT activities at Harokopio University and is indissolubly linked to the action of the "Information Society", contributing to the diffusion of new IT and telecommunications technologies at the University.

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